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Learn rhythm only with your hands

How you can learn the basic rhythmic building blocks in just 4 weeks, strengthen your sense of rhythm and gain more confidence when making music.

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Der Onlinekurs - entwickelt speziell für AnfängerInnen. Lerne die Rhythmus-Grundlagen, ganz ohne Notenkenntnisse.

The ultimate basic course with which you will learn the basic rhythmic building blocks in just 4 weeks, strengthen your sense of rhythm and gain more confidence when making music.


The course contains all the essential basics - it doesn't get any better than this. Your path to becoming a rhythm pro is ready. Only you can decide whether you take it. If you want to finally understand rhythm and strengthen your sense of rhythm and gain more confidence, the course is ideal for you.

What you can expect:

Part 1: Clap the basic rhythmic blocks and combinations of these

Part 2: Play with both hands and learn when to play with which hand

Part 3: Learn coordination exercises that you can later play on the drums.

Part 4: Advanced exercises

Your benefits from this course:

  • The course contains all the essential rhythm building blocks that make up every rhythm. This gives you everything you need to build your rhythmic foundation.

  • The course is didactically structured so that you develop an understanding of the basics of rhythm step by step. I have incorporated x years of teaching experience into this.

  • Through the practical exercises, your sense of rhythm will be strengthened and you will gain more and more confidence.

  • The exercises are presented visually in high-quality videos so that you can learn optimally.

  • You can go through the course and the exercises at your own pace - at any time of the day or night - whenever it suits you best.

  • I will give you various practical examples, which will further deepen your understanding of rhythm and structure.


Book your place in the Rhythm Online Course now

Book your place in the Rhythm online course now:

Could it be that...

…you want to learn an instrument but are unsure if you can keep the beat?
…you are already in a band and just want to consolidate some basics?
…you sing in a choir and want to improve your sense of rhythm?
…you play drums or percussion and want to refine your sense of rhythm?

…you want to refine the coordination of both hands or hands and feet when making music?

…you simply want to learn rhythm from scratch and thus have more confidence when making music?

Did you find yourself in one or more of these situations? Then you've come to the right place! You're not alone. Before this online course, all participants felt the same way as you in one way or another. Especially if you're just starting out or the essential rhythm basics were only touched on in instrumental lessons, it can be very challenging to learn rhythm without proper training. It's completely normal to fall out of rhythm at the beginning, but it can also be frustrating.

For this reason, I have packaged my experience from x years of drum lessons - and this is THE instrument that sets the beat where an exact sense of rhythm is important - into an online course.

The aim of the course is:

  • to get to know the individual rhythm building blocks

  • Do rhythm exercises that strengthen your sense of rhythm

  • Do coordination exercises to make it easier for you to keep in time

  • simply gain more security

  • ...

The good thing is that you can also easily learn the basics of rhythm – just like the previous course participants.


I always knew in my heart that I was a tattooed drummer. Then I thought I'd just give it a try.

I think it's really cool, I wish I had started earlier.

  • Onlinekurs: Rhythmus lernen

    Ideal für AnfängerInnen
    Valid for 12 months


Feedback from enthusiastic participants:


“Schlagzeugspielen zu lernen, war bestimmt einer der besten Erfahrungen, die ich in den letzten Jahren gemacht habe und ich möchte keine einzige Unterrichtseinheit, die ich bei Drumstar genommen habe, missen."


"I have known the drum school for 3 years now and I am very, very satisfied! My teachers have always listened to my wishes and are very patient! I can highly recommend the drum school!"


“The lessons are varied and take place in a friendly atmosphere. The teachers are competent and you feel like you are in good hands. In the well-equipped classroom, making music is a lot easier. I can definitely recommend the Drumstar drum school for beginners and advanced players.”

Your course instructor


Gründer der Schlagzeugschule Drumstar und Entwickler der  bewährten Drumstar-Methode mit der Du spielend leicht die Rhythmus-Grundlagen und das Schlagzeugspielen lernst.

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Frequently asked questions about the online course:

Do I need an instrument or drums for the course?

No, the course is designed so that you can do all the exercises using only your hands WITHOUT any additional equipment. However, if you already play an instrument, you can also use the exercises from the course on your instrument.

Can I also watch the course videos on my mobile phone?

Yes, the format is chosen so that it can also be viewed easily on a mobile phone.

Is prior knowledge necessary?

No, the course is designed so that you can take it without any prior knowledge.

What if I am already advanced, is the course still useful?

You can never invest enough in your rhythmic foundation. The course offers a very extensive range of exercises from which even advanced students can benefit.

Do the videos also work offline?
The videos cannot be downloaded, so you need Wi-Fi or a mobile data connection on your phone.
Instead, you will also receive an e-book that you can save. The notes and exercises are also described and explained in it.

How much time should I invest? How long will it take me to complete the course?

Of course, the length of time it takes people to complete the course varies. In principle, it is designed for four weeks. Some people manage it quicker, others need longer. You will make the best progress if you practice regularly. Ideally, you should manage five times a week for 30 minutes.


Online course

Rhythmus lernen für AnfängerInnen

How you can learn the basic rhythmic building blocks in just 4 weeks, strengthen your sense of rhythm and gain more confidence when making music.

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